artistic[ART AAR] cybertext - perspectives on ergodic literature
[ART ALE] a pattern language
[ART BAR] camera lucida
ᴺᴱᵂ[ART BAU] the conspiracy of art
[ART BLO] the anxiety of influence
[ART BOG] unit operations - an approach to videogame criticism
ᴺᴱᵂ[ART BOU] relational aesthetics
ᴺᴱᵂ[ART CAG] silence - lectures and writings
[ART ESH] more brilliant than the sun - adventures in sonic fiction
[ART FLO] beyond vision - essays on the perception of art
[ART FRY] fearful symmetry - a study of william blake
[ART GOD] introduction to a true history of cinema and television
[ART GRO] going public
[ART GRO] in the flow
[ART HAN] shanzhai - deconstruction in chinese
[ART HOL] digital mantras - the languages of abstract and virtual worlds
[ART JOH] bullet hell - the globalized growth of danmaku
[ART KAN] concerning the spiritual in art
[ART LIJ] the future of the new
[ART MCL] counterblast
ᴺᴱᵂ[ART MEI] science fiction and extro-science fiction
[ART PAG] sexual personae
ᴺᴱᵂ[ART PEN] content minded vol. 2
[ART RAN] aisthesis
[ART RIL] letters to a young poet
[ART SCH] the art of game design - a book of lenses
[ART SCH] transcendental style in film - ozu, bresson, dreyer
[ART SON] against interpretation and other essays
ᴺᴱᵂ[ART SWI] through the daemon's gate - kepler's somnium
ᴺᴱᵂ[BIO ALF] the wise king[BIO DAN] gabriele d’annunzio - poet, seducer and preacher of war
ᴺᴱᵂ[BIO EXU] wind, sand, and stars
[BIO GOE] the autobiography of goethe
ᴺᴱᵂ[BIO GUE] against the modern world
[BIO HER] conquest of the useless
[BIO HUM] the invention of nature
[BIO KEM] the book of margery kempe
[BIO LIC] the dream machine - j.c.r. licklider
ᴺᴱᵂ[BIO LOV] ada's algorithm
[BIO MEI] sid meier's memoir
[BIO NOV] the birth of novalis - friedrich von hardenberg's journal of 1797
[BIO SHA] a mind at play
[BIO SOU] malevich - journey to infinity
[BIO STE] rudolf steiner - the man and his vision
[BIO TES] my inventions
[BIO ZWE] the struggle with the daemon - holderlin, kleist, and nietzsche
ᴺᴱᵂ[EDU ADL] the paideia proposalᴺᴱᵂ[EDU AUG] against the academicians + the teacher
[EDU FEY] against method
ᴺᴱᵂ[EDU GAS] mission of the university
[EDU GAT] underground history of american education
ᴺᴱᵂ[EDU GEE] what video games have to teach us about learning and literacy
[EDU ILL] deschooling society
[EDU PAR] university governance
[EDU STE] the essentials of education
[EDU STE] the spirit of the waldorf school
[EDU ZEE] schools of thought
[HIS AND] passages from antiquity to feudalism[HIS DAM] when the church was young
[HIS DON] atlantis - the antedeluvian world
[HIS ELI] the forge and the crucible
ᴺᴱᵂ[HIS GOS] must we divide history into periods
[HIS GOS] premodern travel in world history
ᴺᴱᵂ[HIS HAY] the power of ritual in prehistory
[HIS HER] herodotus vol. i
ᴺᴱᵂ[HIS JON] the folk-tales of the magyars
[HIS KAN] naming infinity
[HIS LEE] think tank aesthetics
[HIS LUG] the making of measure and the promise of sameness
ᴺᴱᵂ[HIS LYN] solomon's child - method in the early royal society of london
ᴺᴱᵂ[HIS MIL] the new england mind
[HIS MOR] the amarna letters
[HIS LOU] the origins of the christian mystical tradition
[HIS PAI] the sea and civilization
[HIS PET] playing at the world
[HIS PLA] the most radical gesture - the situationist international in a postmodern age
ᴺᴱᵂ[HIS PRI] science since babylon
[HIS ROJ] the first computers - history and architectures
[HIS SCO] against the grain
[HIS SEI] zero - the biography of a dangerous idea
[HIS SER] deep ancestors - practicing the religion of the proto-indo-europeans
[HIS SPU] money and its use in medieval europe
[HIS TIL] the arctic home in the vedas
ᴺᴱᵂ[HIS UZD] orpheus and the roots of platonism
[HIS WRA] always with honor
[HIS YOU] the russian cosmists
[NAT BAK] the peregrine[NAT COA] living energies
ᴺᴱᵂ[NAT EVO] meditations on the peaks
[NAT GIB] covert plants
[NAT GOE] the metamorphosis of plants
[NAT HUM] cosmos - a sketch of the physical description of the universe
[NAT KIM] braiding sweetgrass
ᴺᴱᵂ[NAT KOH] how forests think
[NAT MAC] landmarks
[NAT MAN] communication in plants
[NAT MAN] rhythms in plants
ᴺᴱᵂ[NAT MAR] dazzle gradually - reflections on the nature of nature
[NAT MCC] on the origins of new forms of life
ᴺᴱᵂ[NAT MOR] ecology without nature
[NAT PER] the quality of the archaeological record
[NAT SHE] entangled life
[NAT SHE] the living mountain
ᴺᴱᵂ[NAT SKI] myths and legends of flowers, trees, fruits, and plants
[NAT STE] ernst haeckel's artforms in nature
[PHI BAD] number and numbersᴺᴱᵂ[PHI BEN] vibrant matter
[ART CAR] finite and infinite games
[PHI CAV] philosophy and animal life
[PHI CEC] on the mode of existence of technical objects
[PHI D&G] a thousand plateaus
[PHI D&G] nomadology
[PHI ELL] accelerationism - capitalism as critique
ᴺᴱᵂ[PHI GEB] the ever-present origin
[PHI GOO] ways of worldmaking
ᴺᴱᵂ[PHI GUA] chaosophy
[PHI HUM] dialogues concerning natural religion
[PHI IRI] this sex which is not one
[PHI JAC] alexius meinong - the shepherd of non-being
[PHI JUN] the red book - a reader's edition
[PHI KAT] anthropomorphics (pre-release)
[PHI KIR] the presocratic philosophers
[PHI LAC] lost knowledge of the imagination
[PHI LAN] fanged noumena
[PHI MAL] god is not cast down
ᴺᴱᵂ[PHI MCL] the gutenberg galaxy
[PHI MOR] impossible languages
[PHI MOR] realist magic - objects, ontology, causality
[PHI MUR] based deleuze
[PHI NOV] novalis' philosophical writings
ᴺᴱᵂ[PHI OLI] a relational metaphysic
ᴺᴱᵂ[PHI PET] the marvelous clouds - toward a philosophy of elemental media
[PHI SLO] bubbles - spheres vol 1
[PHI WHI] adventures of ideas
ᴺᴱᵂ[POE ALE] unsong[POE ANT] goo hack [FRAGMENT]
[POE AUD] unsound:undead
[POE BAS] basho's haikus
[POE BEN] selected poems and prose
[POE BLA] the complete poetry & prose of william blake
[POE BLA] the marriage of heaven and hell
[POE BOR] selected poems
[POE CAL] invisible cities
[POE CCR] ccru writings, 1997-2003
ᴺᴱᵂ[POE DAE] selfie, suicide
[POE DAN] notturno
[POE FLU] dispatches from the institute of incoherent geography
[POE GOE] the essential goethe
ᴺᴱᵂ[POE GOO] the case of the animals versus man before the king of the jinn
[POE GRA] gradient descent
[POE HOW] that this
ᴺᴱᵂ[POE JOY] finnegan's wake
ᴺᴱᵂ[POE KNU] surreal numbers
ᴺᴱᵂ[POE LAL] the lord of bitcoin
ᴺᴱᵂ[POE LAN] chasm
[POE LEW] perelandra (voyage to venus)
[POE MAR] one hundred years of solitude
[POE NOV] henry of ofterdingen, a romance
[POE PLU] plutonics vol xiii
ᴺᴱᵂ[POE PYN] mason & dixon
ᴺᴱᵂ[POE PYN] the crying of lot 49
[POE RAY] sappho's lyre - archaic lyric and women poets of ancient greece
[POE TUF] hayy ibn yaqdhan
ᴺᴱᵂ[REF ALF] book of games[REF BEH] botanical inks
[REF CIA] analysis and assessment of gateway processes
[REF CIR] dictionary of symbols
[REF COL] handmade electronic music
[REF ENG] building blocks of tabletop game design
ᴺᴱᵂ[REF BAR] word-hoard - an introduction to old english vocabulary
[ART ELI] characteristics of games
[REF FUK] one straw revolution - an introduction to natural farming
ᴺᴱᵂ[REF FRI] synthesizer basics
[REF HIE] the papermaker's companion
' ᴺᴱᵂ[REF HAX] B0XX manifesto
ᴺᴱᵂ[REF ISI] the etymologies of isidore of seville
[REF PEP] pepsi gravitational field
[REF POW] invincible - the games of shusaku
[REF SCH] the technique of islamic bookbinding
[REF SEY] the new self-sufficient gardener
[REF TAC] sprawl repair manual
[REF THA] the foragers harvest
[REF VOO] prehistoric games of north american indians
[REF WAT] hand bookbinding
ᴺᴱᵂ[REF WIK] the wikileaks files
[REF WIN] the visual handbook of building and remodeling
[SOC ALE] the library of scott alexanderᴺᴱᵂ[SOC BAT] african writing and text
[SOC BEN] anthology of kokugaku scholars 1690-1898
[SOC BER] the unsettling of america
[SOC BON] nemesis
ᴺᴱᵂ[SOC BOS] the political uses of expert knowledge
[SOC BRA] the stack - on software and sovereignty
[SOC BRO] bronze age mindset
ᴺᴱᵂ[SOC BUR] great founder theory
[SOC COU] the ancient city
ᴺᴱᵂ[SOC CSI] flow
ᴺᴱᵂ[SOC DAL] degrowth - a vocabulary for a new era
[SOC ECO] travels in hyperreality
[SOC FAY] archeofuturism
ᴺᴱᵂ[SOC FIR] firstness - issue 1
[SOC FIS] capitalist realism
[SOC FIS] postcapitalist desire - the final lectures
[SOC GAN] the origin of language
ᴺᴱᵂ[SOC GIR] things hidden since the foundation of the world
[SOC GUE] the reign of quantity and the signs of the times
[SOC HAR] manifestly haraway (cyborg manifesto + more)
ᴺᴱᵂ[SOC HOP] democracy - the god that failed
[SOC HUI] homo ludens
[SOC JOU] on power
[SOC KAC] technological slavery
[SOC KON] the dark forest theory of the internet
[SOC N1X] gender acceleration - a blackpaper
[SOC PLA] zeros + ones
ᴺᴱᵂ[SOC RUS] glitch feminism
[SOC SCO] seeing like a state
ᴺᴱᵂ[SOC WIE] the human use of human beings
[SPI AGA] the kingdom and the glory[SPI AUG] confessions
[SPI BER] divine and demonic in the poetic mythology of the zohar
ᴺᴱᵂ[SPI BOS] gaming and the divine
[SPI BUL] sophia - the wisdom of god
[SPI BUL] the lamb of god
[SPI BUL] unfading light
[SPI CAR] the religious case against belief
[SPI CLO] the cloud of unknowing + other works
[SPI DAM] christ the eternal tao
ᴺᴱᵂ[SPI DAM] three treatises on the divine images
[SPI DIO] the works of dionysius the areopagite
[SPI EDD] the poetic edda
ᴺᴱᵂ[SPI ELZ] islam, arabs, and the intelligent world of the jinn
[SPI EVD] the art of the icon
[SPI FLO] the pillar and ground of the truth
ᴺᴱᵂ[SPI FLU] robert fludd - essential readings
[SPI HAR] daimonic reality
[SPI HEI] heidelberg journal of religions on the internet vol. 5
[SPI HEI] heidelberg journal of religions on the internet vol. 6
[SPI HEI] heidelberg journal of religions on the internet vol. 7
[SPI IAM] the theology of arithmetic
[SPI KIE] fear and trembling + repetition
[SPI LEH] man or matter
[SPI LEW] mere christianity
[SPI MAR] the submerged reality
[SPI MUR] tree of salvation - yggdrasil and the cross in the north
[SPI NIC] powers of imagining
[SPI NYS] saint gregory of nyssa - ascetical works
[SPI PAC] knowing god
ᴺᴱᵂ[SPI PAG] the language of creation
[SPI RIG] the rig veda
[SPI ROS] genesis, creation, and early man [FRAGMENT]
ᴺᴱᵂ[SPI SAR] on aquisition of the holy spirit
[SPI SAV] the way of a pilgrim
[SPI SEP] the septuagint
[SPI SHA] greek fire, an intro to gematria
ᴺᴱᵂ[SPI SHE] old errors and new labels
[SPI STA] egregores
[SPI STE] outline of occult science
[SPI WIL] before truth
[TEC ADA] physical and ethereal spacesᴺᴱᵂ[TEC BLO] the unimaginable mathematics of borges library of babel
ᴺᴱᵂ[TEC CON] on numbers and games
[TEC CUR] how english works
[TEC EPS] growing artificial societies
[TEC EWI] encyclopedia of vibration
[TEC FUR] advances in crystal growth research
[TEC HAL] naive set theory
[TEC HOF] fluid concepts and creative analogies
ᴺᴱᵂ[TEC KRY] the effects of noise on man
[TEC LE] one two many - on nick land's numbering practice
[TEC MOC] inter-universal teichmuller theory - vol 1
[TEC MOC] inter-universal teichmuller theory - vol 2
[TEC MOC] inter-universal teichmuller theory - vol 3
[TEC MOC] inter-universal teichmuller theory - vol 4
[TEC MOC] panoramic overview of inter-universal teichmuller theory
[TEC NOV] keywords in sound
[TEC PIE] an introduction to information theory
[TEC PIK] synchronization - a universal concept in nonlinear sciences
[TEC PIN] emerging syntheses in science
[TEC PTO] the almagest
[TEC PRU] the algorithmic beauty of plants
ᴺᴱᵂ[TEC ROB] the principles of deep learning theory
[TEC SHA] the mathematical theory of communication
ᴺᴱᵂ[TEC SHE] morphic resonance
ᴺᴱᵂ[TEC THO] on growth and form
[TEC TUF] the visual display of quantitative information
[TEC WEY] symmetry